Tatum is the first to go. She has zero hour at 6:30 am! She is a sophomore this year! Crazy! She is so beautiful, and tall (she is 5'10). Love this girl so much! She is kind, loyal, and so much fun to be around. She is on varsity cheer this year which will keep her super busy! Go Perry Pumas!
Trevin is in 5th grade this year at Ryan Elementary! He has an amazing teacher, Mrs. Witte! This kid loves school and was excited to be back. He's such a good student and loves being silly. He really is a great kid but I wish he would stop growing up! He's my baby! I love him!
Trent is starting Jr. High this year! He was so excited to be going to a new school. He is a Payne Panther this year. He is in the CATS (Chandler Academically Talented Student) Program and will have so much fun with his friends. He hopes to be in sports too if the academic part doesn't get in the way! I love Trent! He is a natural leader, sweet, and such a funny kid. He is truly a goofball!
El Niño Y Tu Pilin